Thank you for sharing your story
Your story gave me hope
You are not alone
Supporter or otherwise touched by cancer

Nashwa, Egypt

I'm Nashwa Ahmed, a volunteer in the Psychological Support Department at Baheya Foundation. 
My decision to help women battling breast cancer has been one of the best decisions of my life. My passion for volunteering started at a young age, and when the COVID-19 pandemic hit and lockdowns began, I knew it was the perfect time to contribute. Baheya Foundation was one of the few places still open for volunteering.

Over the past five years, I've encountered countless stories within the foundation's walls. I've met women fighting against societal stigma surrounding breast cancer, women who believed a mastectomy meant the end of their world. It's incredibly rewarding to be part of saving lives by convincing these women to complete their treatment and not give up.
I remember one woman from Alexandria who was about to stop her treatment because she felt she was leaving her three daughters alone whenever she had chemotherapy sessions. She was very worried about leaving them alone when they are young. 
After convincing her that she was doing this for them and for their future, and that a few hours away was better than a decline in her health and losing them forever, she agreed to continue her treatment. She eventually became a strong survivor.

Day by day, I've become more convinced of the importance of psychological support. Providing hope and encouragement can be as powerful as any medication. The impact of emotional support on ordinary people is immense, but it's even more profound for women carrying the weight of their families and battling societal stigma.

I've discovered that certain moments are priceless, like witnessing the end of treatment, her final chemo session, her hair growing back, or her mastering a new craft she learned during her illness, enough to showcase her work in a special exhibition. These are victories over life, not the disease.

What sets Baheya Foundation apart is its commitment to providing equal emphasis on psychological support and medical treatment. For these women, each chemotherapy session becomes a journey of self-care and rejuvenation, thanks to the support they receive from the hospital, volunteers, and staff.

It's an honor to be part of this organization and to share in these women's stories of survival and success.

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