We’re creating a united global movement from unique cancer stories.
For World Cancer Day 2025, we are challenging people across the world to share videos or photos of themselves upside down, along with their unique story about how cancer has affected them.

How can I participate?
- Flip a video or a picture of yourself upside down.
- Start with the sentence: “cancer turned my world upside down…”
- Post it on your favourite social media channel(s) using #WorldCancerDay and #UnitedByUnique
- Tag @worldcancerday so that we can see your work!
Why the Upside Down Challenge?
Cancer turns your world upside down.
It can change your perspective on everything: life, relationships, the future.
And while feelings of grief, pain and healing may be shared.
Each cancer experience is unique.
This World Cancer Day
We’re asking everyone with an experience of cancer
Patient, survivor, family, friend
to share their cancer story.
Because stories not only inspire,
they bring us together
and help grow our understanding.
United, we call for a more compassionate future.
One story can inspire – many can change the world.

Can I do the challenge offline?
Please do! Here are some ideas:
Posters and billboards
Create visually striking posters and billboards featuring images of people upside down.
Headstand / cartwheel challenge
Encourage gym members, sports clubs, students and children to attempt a headstand. Pair them up to support each other during the headstand attempts, building camaraderie and creating a supportive environment.
Local exhibition
Invite local artists to collaborate with cancer survivors to tell their stories through art, showcasing both written narratives and upside-down images.
Storytelling workshops
Facilitate workshops that guide participants in writing their cancer stories. At the end, participants can post their stories upside down on social media.
Upside down newsletter
Creating monthly upside-down stories in a newsletter to highlight cancer stories.
Upside down story wall
Dedicate a space within a school, office or community centre where people can share upside down images with their personal story written on the back.
Add your event to the Map of Activities
For support or questions please contact hello@worldcancerday.org
What is the link to the World Cancer Day’s theme of people-centred care?
Whether you’re a person living with cancer, a family member, a friend, a medical practitioner, or an advocate, you possess something important: a perspective that is unique to you. By sharing your story, you bring valuable insight and humanity to the conversation. Your story can inform, energise, and inspire.
When we combine all stories together, they form a collective voice—one that is powerful enough to bring about systemic change. They can form a body of evidence to convince governments, shape policies and inform healthcare systems on the need to embrace people-centred care. This is about building awareness and overcoming stigma. But it is also more than that. It’s about sending a united message to those with the power to change things for the better.
By sharing your story, you’re not only advocating for yourself. You’re also contributing to a future where every person receives the care they deserve—tailored, compassionate, and centred on what truly matters.