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Person living with cancer

Ima, Singapore

In May 2023, I was diagnosed with Stage II Breast cancer, a diagnosis that shook my world and tested my resilience. The journey of undergoing chemotherapy and radiation therapy was physically and emotionally grueling, and as much as I did try to keep a positive spirit, there were moments when I questioned my strength. But through it all, the love and support from my family, friends, and my medical team carried me through. I could not have done it without “my village”- my family and dear friends, those here in Singapore and many who flew in from as far as Jordan, Australia, to Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia. They came to take care of me, to cheer me on, and to sometimes just to hold my hand. Each day became a battle fought fiercely, with hope and positive spirit as my compass - inspired by the journey my own mom went through just 3 years before. And today, I am grateful for the gift of life and the resilience I found within myself.

These experiences have also taught me the power of gratitude and the importance of cherishing every single moment.

I now carry with me the lessons learned, the hurdles overcome, and the gratitude for the incredible support of “my village”. Starting the battle with cancer has taught me the importance of embracing change, staying true to oneself, and cherishing every moment. I learned so much about myself and about friendship, and how valuable true friends are.

And now, with a renewed sense of purpose and a heart filled with gratitude, I am determined to go forward with life with renewed hope, determination, strength, and a deep appreciation for the preciousness of life.

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