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Dr.Jumailath, Maldives

My cancer journey started as a gynecologist / health care professional raising awareness for prevention of cancers. My advocacy work for prevention includes giving technical advice at policy and NGOs level and working with patients to adopt a healthy lifestyle and doing regular screening for cancer prevention. 

My world turned upside down when cancer hit home and I became a caregiver. Watching rapid deterioration and being the primary decision maker for the family is no easy task. Living with grief continues as it hits in waves- each moment a reminder of the delicate balance between life and loss. 

This personal experience revealed that we as health care providers have a significant gap to fulfill for palliative care services. Balancing the patients and family wishes, while ensuring the patients comfort and dignity requires a unique set of skills. Communicating with a compassionate angle is a skill that needs to be taught and nurtured. 

My cancer journey continues as a health professional, a daughter taking care of mum in grief, a sister, a mum and a friend offering advice and support. I continue to navigate my own grief while focusing my journey to find avenues to  improve care for the patients. 

•⁠  ⁠Early detection saves lives. 

•⁠  ⁠Prevention is better than cure. 

•⁠  ⁠Compassionate holistic care with dignity is a must.


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