Burbuqe, Kosovo
Pershendetje per te gjitha luftetaret Rozë!
Une jam Burbuqe Gashi 49 vjeqare, nene e tre femijeve tashme te rritur, jam infermiere e te porsalindureve ne spitalin rajonal te Prizrenit.
Sfida ime me kancerin e gjirit ka fillu ne kohen kur nuk do me shkonte mendja kurr qe do me sprovoj jeta me diqka te till.
Isha vetem 29 vjeqe dhe lajmi qe kam marr me eshte duk absurd duke i lene fajin mjekeve me pretekst qe nuk jane te sakte ne diagnoze
Per ta konfirmuar kam udhetuar jasht vendit ku edhe ata me thane te njejten gje dhe se ishte koha qe me patjeter te hyjme e te bejme intervenimin..
Eshte bere biopsia, para se te kryhet mastektomia i kam marr 3 cikle kemio terapi me pas me 10 maj 2005 eshte kry operacioni dhe eshte vazhdu edhe me tre cikle tjera te kemios,
Perveq stresit dhe frikes ka qene edhe ndjenja emocionale e renduar si humbja e gjirit, humbja e flokeve, humbja e feminitetit qe Kisha deri ate dite para se te merrja lajmin.
Falenderoj Zotin, familjen, shoqerine dhe gjithe ata qe me ndihmuan ta tejkaloj dhe perkunder sfidave sot jam e gjalle e forte krenare dhe e shoh jeten shume me bukur dhe me kjarte!
Vullneti, dashuria, besimi bejne te pamunduren te mundur 🙏🏻
Shendet per te gjitha pink lady’s 💖
Greetings to all Pink Warriors!
I am Burbuqe Gashi, a 49-year-old mother of three grown children and a neonatal nurse at the regional hospital in Prizren.
My battle with breast cancer began at a time when I never imagined life would test me in such a way.
I was only 29 years old when I received the news, and it felt absurd—I even blamed the doctors, convinced that their diagnosis must be wrong.
To confirm it, I traveled abroad, where doctors told me the same thing and stressed that it was time to undergo surgery.
A biopsy was performed, and before the mastectomy, I had three cycles of chemotherapy. Then, on May 10, 2005, I underwent surgery, followed by three more cycles of chemotherapy.
Beyond the stress and fear, there was also the deep emotional pain—the loss of a breast, the loss of my hair, and the loss of the femininity I had known before hearing that life-changing diagnosis.
I am grateful to God, my family, my friends, and everyone who helped me overcome this challenge. Despite the struggles, today I am alive, strong, proud, and I see life with greater clarity and beauty!
Willpower, love, and faith make the impossible possible. 🙏🏻
Wishing good health to all Pink Ladies! 💖