Person living with cancer

Arjeta, Kosovo


Pershendetje te gjithve,jam Arjeta e cila ne moshen 47 vjeqare me ndryshoj jeta ime,jam nan e tre femijve pas nje drite me erdh nje erresir ne vitin 2017 nderhyra nje operacjon nje pjes te gjirit ma hoqen se u dijagnozistova me kancer  po rezulltate e morra me doli mir,mandej maj 2018 me doli tjeter vend dhe mandej apet operacjon ma hoqen kret gjinin, mendova se e kalova, kur erdh 1 gushti apet tjeter kund me 7 gusht u operova,dhe mendova se prej errsires dola ne drit po nuk ishte ashtu te gjith familjaret te shqetsuar me shum se un,se ekisha rastin mu shqetsu se 2 motra me vdiqen prej kancerit ,po apet filloj nje tjeter sfit apet u dijagnostikova me kancer te mitres apet operacjon ma hoqen edhe mitren dhe 4 operacjone i bona per 17 muj po fal zotit dhe familjarve i kalova kta sfida 7 vite ikam bo per gjinin 6 per mitren po tash gjdo sfit e kaloba jam shum mir dhe tarapija skam perdor iq veq tamoksifen,gjithqka kaloj,dhe per te gjith sherim dhe takalojn ket sfid qysh asht ma lehte


Hello everyone,

I am Arjeta, and at the age of 47, my life changed completely. I am a mother of three, and after a period of light, darkness came into my life. In 2017, I underwent surgery to remove part of my breast after being diagnosed with cancer. Fortunately, my test results came back good. However, in May 2018, the cancer appeared in another area, and I had to undergo another surgery to remove my entire breast. I thought I had overcome it, but on August 1st, another tumor appeared, and by August 7th, I was in surgery again.

I believed I had finally stepped out of the darkness into the light, but that was not the case. My entire family was more worried than I was—perhaps because I had already lost two sisters to cancer. Then another challenge came my way: I was diagnosed with uterine cancer. Another surgery followed, and my uterus was removed. In total, I had four surgeries in just 17 months.

Thanks to God and the support of my family, I overcame these challenges. It has now been seven years since my breast cancer diagnosis and six years since my uterine cancer diagnosis. I have made it through every struggle, and I am doing well. I never had to undergo additional therapy, only taking Tamoxifen. Everything has passed, and I truly wish for healing for everyone facing this battle—may they overcome it in the easiest way possible.

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