Professionnel de la santé et soignant
Rajiv Kumar

I'm a Radiation Oncologist working in government sector in a Tier 3 town of the South India since 2011. This area is so backward and contains majority of rural agricultural population with low literacy rate and low economic status. The access to health in this region is very difficult and the access to oncology healthcare was beyond the reach when i came here. 

Due to continued efforts and call for action, the basic oncology services of chemotherapy were established by me and a year back Telecobalt Radiotherapy services was started. So far we have catered to more than 3000 cancer patients with diagnostic, chemotherapy and follow up services. the number of patients who are getting the Radiotherapy services is getting increased every day due to continuous efforts. Once patients travelled more than 200 KM to get oncology services but now it is within in the reach of 50 KM. The GAP IS GETTING CLOSED....

Jigme Dechen
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Professionnel de la santé et soignant
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Famille, ami et soutien
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