
On June 29, 2020, I was diagnosed with stage 2 Hodgkin’s lymphoma. I underwent 4 months of intensive chemotherapy and received endless ultrasounds, biopsies, CT scans, PET scans, blood tests, injections, and appointments.

Due to my condition, I went on medical leave in August 2020 as I experienced numerous side effects from chemotherapy such as chemo brain, body discomfort, forgetfulness, and exhaustion.

On August 24, 2020, I was admitted to hospital for several days with a fever and chills due to febrile neutropenia. Febrile neutropenia is potentially life threatening and occurs when there is a low number of white blood cells. Due to my weakened immune system, I had developed an infection that needed to be addressed immediately. After 3 long days admitted to hospital, I was finally discharged. 

In September 2020, I began my Master of Education in Health Education and Active Living at Simon Fraser University (SFU). I successfully completed my first course and exceeded my own expectations by achieving an A+! The program gave me the opportunity to write about my ongoing journey with cancer and was incredibly healing. I did readings during chemo at the hospital and completed my assignments on my ‘good days’, although that became more difficult when ‘chemo brain’ caused increased forgetfulness, slurred words, and foggy thinking. 

On December 21, 2020, I received the amazing news from my oncologist that I was in the clear! 

Once my medical leave came to an end in February 2021, I had to return to work while I continued my master’s degree. Throughout my journey with cancer and my master’s program, I became more confident. I continued to write about my journey as a cancer survivor. 

I completed my master’s in August 2022 and convocated on October 7, 2022. Two years of hard work, not only academically, but on a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual level, had finally come to fruition. The program was completely life changing. It not only gave me the opportunity to write about my journey with cancer, but also as a survivor.

After two years of follow up appointments with my oncologist and routine bloodwork, I officially graduated from BC Cancer on January 5, 2023. 

On January 17, 2023, I was awarded with a 2022 SFU Staff Achievement Award in the Personal Achievement category. This award is presented to an individual who prevails over difficult circumstances by demonstrating courage, resilience, and determination. 

My cancer journey has taught me:

  • I am stronger than I realize – physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. 
  • I have learned that I am more determined and focused than I realized. 
  • I have learned to listen to my body, especially when something doesn’t feel right. 
  • I have tuned into my body and have learned what it can and cannot handle. 
  • I have learned to advocate for myself. 
  • I have gained confidence in myself. 
  • I have more compassion for myself and others. 
  • I have learned to appreciate the small things in life that bring me joy. 
  • I have learned to not sweat the small stuff as it’s not important.
  • I have learned that life is a gift. 

I no longer see cancer as a battle, but as a journey that has changed my perspective on life. I learned to appreciate the little things in life that bring me joy. I now feel a certain kinship with cancer patients, survivors, and caregivers. Sharing my story with others and listening to their stories has deepened my appreciation of connection, and the importance of health education and advocacy. Life never goes back to normal after a cancer diagnosis. 

It is possible to overcome the toughest challenges while coping with the endless mixed emotions associated with cancer. With a positive mindset, strong support system, and active lifestyle, an individual has a stronger change of having the best possible outcome and are much stronger than they realize. 

Something that I’ve always told myself throughout my journey is: Cancer doesn’t defy me. I defy it!

Thank you!


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