
I was diagnosed with a malignant neoplasm of the eye in April last year. I know it’s not as serious as other types of cancer and completely curable, but I never thought a simple red eye would ever turn out to be a tumor. I’m a pretty healthy individual, I work out a lot and try my best to lead a healthy lifestyle. So when the doctor tells you you have a tumor, your life kind of comes to a complete halt with all the worry about surgery and treatment. I can’t begin to imagine what other patients of more serious cancers go through and I hope I never have to. This was hard enough for me.

I was blessed that I had a wonderful doctor (who happens to be a good friend) who took really great care of me up until today, and I’m lucky that I’m from a country with free healthcare. If there’s one thing I’ve learnt from this experience, it’s that life is fragile and anything can happen to you. Get checked, regularly, especially if you have a family history of cancers in the family. Stay strong warriors!

Jigme Dechen
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