Familiar, amigo y colaborador
Estados Unidos

Yesterday, I received a phone call from a long-time friend.  He's passed, she said.  I am so relieved that he is no longer in pain.  He didn't deserve this.  

My friend's wife is now a widow with a teenage daughter.  

My plea to the biotech and pharmaceutical industry - do better.  We need better diagnostics and better medicines and faster clinical trials.  

My plea to health systems, governments, and all other entities who play a part in the value chain - do better.  

We need a better way to connect the people who need better medicines with the companies that create them.  

As a pediatric cancer mom myself, my plea is to do better, work better together, and co-create solutions with the people with whom you're trying to impact.  

The monarch butterfly has a flight path that takes four generations to complete.  Sometimes the only thing we can hold onto is knowing that we're making it better for those after us.  

Familiar, amigo y colaborador
Estados Unidos
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