
Witness the non-fiction narrative of my Invictus & Redefined Life 2.0, as a Ca-larynx survivor, celebrating my 27th year of Cancer survivorship & fortunate of having transformed & leveraged my adversity of speaking disability into incredible opportunities as a global orator, Storyteller, Life Transformer, Mentor and Performance coach.  

Quoting lines from the Invictus poem:


I am super excited to share tips for, "Making of Impossible Possible"

 The canvas of colorful life becomes a Pin Drop Silence without spoken words when the vocal communication organ is lost forever.

Imagine the catastrophic condition full of frustration, anger, disappointment & sheer helplessness with no light at the end of the tunnel.

Encountered such adversity 26 years ago at the age of 44 when I was at the peak of my career as an international marketer & only earning member of the family where verbal communication is a key necessity by default in daily life.

I became a stage IV vocal cord cancer victim in 1997 & was given a few days to live with if the tumor & vocal cord were not removed.

I chose life over voice as I was the only earning member of the family & lost my natural speaking ability forever.

Instead of "WHY ME" gave a tight hug to forever adversity as the Divine Intervention.

I indulged in redefining my life 2.0 by innovating & leveraging this forever adversity into exceptional opportunities with laser laser-focused mindset by placing a hand-held electrolarynx under my chin to speak.

This proved a Turbine power like LION ROAR to become into unstoppable audience engaging global speaker, non-fiction Storyteller, Life Artesian cum performance coach.

At the age of 72 while fearlessly living in the moment, demonstrating the enthusiasm of one at the age of 27 & the limitless of the Human Spirit despite my forever natural speaking ability & the power of self.

Humbled to deliver 8000+ hours of Wisdom globally through 5000+ sessions through this Clarion Voice & sound & I'm incredibly fortunate to touch and inspire over 100,000 lives with die-hard courage, confidence, unwavering determination & passion.        

My abstract & video film, was featured by UICC during WCC2022 in Geneva.            

These enormously helped me to receive many recognitions, such as Global Goodwill Ambassador from the USA, 10000+ compliments & accolades. 

I was featured at the Iconic Times Square on 23rd July ‘23 throughout the day every hour, including Global Goodwill Ambassador & many others. 

As a successful global speaker, I am committed to building a live legacy, touching horizons like the Airbus A380-800 & simultaneously coaching, and mentoring millions of lives globally to transform adversities into opportunities into accomplishments & accolades with crystal clear purposes with zero retirement plan until my mental health & body stop supporting me. ,

I am elaborately narrating during my Professional talks & workshops the path of transforming your "Longings" into "Reality" & Adversities to Opportunities to Accomplishments to Accolades with empathy through my 3 "Cs" formula, 📌

I am humbled to mention, that watching & listening to me Speak will create Eureka moments & give much-needed HOPE in your daily struggles.

My profound wishes to the UICC team & associates, Researchers, sponsors, healthcare professionals, volunteers, cancer patients, fellow survivors, and caregivers for 2024 & beyond.

Professionnel de la santé et soignant
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Professionnel de la santé et soignant
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Professionnel de la santé et soignant
Rajiv Kumar
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