
In 2021, I faced a tough battle with advanced ovarian cancer. After a HIPEC surgery and several rounds of chemo, my journey continues, now tackling the challenges of lymphedema. It's a daily struggle, but my spirit remains unbroken.

Amidst my fight, I found purpose in volunteering with "Sangini Cancer Care Society". Together, we share stories, provide support, and create a community that understands the unique struggles of battling cancer.

The surgery left its mark, and chemotherapy tested my strength, but I've discovered resilience I never knew I had. Every day is a victory, whether it's savoring a good meal or sharing laughter with loved ones.

My journey is a testament to the power of hope, community, and the strength we find within ourselves. I may carry scars, but they tell a story of survival and determination. I'm a survivor, facing each day with a smile, grateful for the support that surrounds me.

Professionnel de la santé et soignant
Dr Shivani
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Famille, ami et soutien
Arabie saoudite
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